Monday, March 11, 2013


British Museum of Art
Book of Urizen
Plate  13
Copy D

By falling into the outer world of matter man is turned outward from a clear perception of the Divine Vision which resides within his bosom. Inward is the true man, outward is the Self which appears as his divided functions struggling for expression of their individual interests.

Four Zoas, Night II, Page 23, (E 313)
"Rising upon his Couch of Death Albion beheld his Sons
Turning his Eyes outward to Self. losing the Divine Vision
Albion calld Urizen & said. Behold these sickning Spheres
Whence is this Voice of Enion that soundeth in my Porches
Take thou possession! take this Scepter! go forth in my might    
For I am weary, & must sleep in the dark sleep of Death  
Thy brother Luvah hath smitten me but pity thou his youth
Tho thou hast not pitid my Age   O Urizen Prince of Light

Urizen rose from the bright Feast like a star thro' the evening sky
Exulting at the voice that calld him from the Feast of envy     
First he beheld the body of Man pale, cold, the horrors of death
Beneath his feet shot thro' him as he stood in the Human Brain
And all its golden porches grew pale with his sickening light
No more Exulting for he saw Eternal Death beneath
Pale he beheld futurity; pale he beheld the Abyss                
Where Enion blind & age bent wept in direful hunger craving
All rav'ning like the hungry worm, & like the silent grave
Page 24 
Mighty was the draught of Voidness to draw Existence in

Terrific Urizen strode above, in fear & pale dismay
He saw the indefinite space beneath & his soul shrunk with horror
His feet upon the verge of Non Existence; his voice went forth

Luvah & Vala trembling & shrinking, beheld the great Work master
And heard his Word! Divide ye bands influence by influence
Build we a Bower for heavens darling in the grizly deep
Build we the Mundane Shell around the Rock of Albion"
British Library Four Zoas Manuscript Page 70
Four Zoas, Night VI, Page 70 (FIRST PORTION), (E 346) "Los brooded on the darkness. nor saw Urizen with a Globe of fire Lighting his dismal journey thro the pathless world of death Writing in bitter tears & groans in books of iron & brass The enormous wonders of the Abysses once his brightest joy For Urizen beheld the terrors of the Abyss wandring among The ruind spirits once his children & the children of Luvah Scard at the sound of their own sigh that seems to shake the immense They wander Moping in their heart a Sun a Dreary moon A Universe of fiery constellations in their brain An Earth of wintry woe beneath their feet & round their loins Waters or winds or clouds or brooding lightnings & pestilential plagues Beyond the bounds of their own self their senses cannot penetrate As the tree knows not what is outside of its leaves & bark And yet it drinks the summer joy & fears the winter sorrow So in the regions of the grave none knows his dark compeer Tho he partakes of his dire woes & mutual returns the pang The throb the dolor the convulsion in soul sickening woes"

The heart (Luvah), the brain (Urizen), the loins (Urthona) and senses (Tharmas) expressed as outer projections cannot penetrate the inner psyche. Nor can they comprehend one another. Each is bound by his own sickness and woe to his own isolation.    

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