Monday, June 30, 2014

Sources Boehme-2

Boehme has much to say regarding the Fall:

From Percival p. 79-80 we  read:
"The assumption that man's perceptual powers suffered a declension
with the Fall is found in Origen, Erigena, Boehme, and Swedenborg
....Before the Fall Albion enjoyed the expansiveness of the supernal
 senses...but with the Fall his perceptions shrunk to the organic level."

On p. 163:
Resorting again to Boehme's Threefold Life:
"And that's the heavy fall of Adam, that his eyes and spirit entered
into the outward, into the four elements, into the palpability, fiz.,
into 'death', and there they were blind as to the kingdom of God."
Boehme adapted this as the meaning of the Fall.

Here is the beginning of Jerusalem:
"This theme calls me in sleep night after night, & ev'ry morn
Awakes me at sun-rise, then I see the Saviour over me
Spreading his beams of love, & dictating the words of this mild song.
Awake! awake O sleeper of the land of shadows, wake! expand!
I am in you and you in me, mutual in love divine:
Fibres of love from man to man thro Albions pleasant land.
In all the dark Atlantic vale down from the hills of Surrey
A black water accumulates, return Albion! return!
Thy brethren call thee, and thy fathers, and thy sons,
Thy nurses and thy mothers, thy sisters and thy daughters
Weep at thy souls disease, and the Divine Vision is darkend:
Thy Emanation that was wont to play before thy face,
Beaming forth with her daughters into the Divine bosom
Where hast thou hidden thy Emanation lovely Jerusalem
From the vision and fruition of the Holy-one?I am not a God afar off, 
I am a brother and friend;"
(Jerusalem E 145)

Percival p. 166:
"The danger is the greater because the world of phenomena , is
there, shimmering in spirituality, but tempting man as Boehme
said to 'eat', and so to lose hold of the second principal-the
Son--and fall into the third and and outward principle, the
world if sense and corporeity. And the self--being outward and
feminine and natural--is there to instigate these errors; and
the woman is there to be their instrument.
Blake must have been thinking at this point of Boehme, whose
symbol for the dual unity of God as Father and Son was a flame,
with its dark basis of a consuming fire and its bright top of
The consuming flame is the Father, an angry and jealous God;
the light is the meek and forgiving Son
Now the fire source--the Father--is in Boehme also the first
principal and 'eternal nature'. Should this principal express
itself in the outward and temporal third principal without
passing through the meek and forgiving second principal it
would engender a dark, mortal,corporeal a world of four angry
element..which emerges out of Urizen's regression into selfhood.
In the early prophetic books it is Urizen who initiates the

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