A message delivered many years ago by a friend at a Quaker Meeting was
essentially that what divides us is language and labels; what
unites us is values and principles. The import of this statement
is that divisions are created among us when we name someone or
something as falling into the category of good or evil, acceptable
or unacceptable. Avoiding giving an act or a person a label
prevents it from being put it in a category which removes the
necessity of responding from a personal evaluation. The object or
activity is rejected or accepted without considering the context
in which it occurs because it has previously been allocated its
worth. If one looks deeper from the perspective of a structure of
values and principles which are shared as common to humanity, the
divisions can be overcome in order to conserve the fundamental
universal truths.
The Poetic Genius is the early terminology which Blake used to refer to the underlying
truth which is shared because it is common to all mankind. It is as if it were in the DNA.
This passage from Grammatical Man by Jeremy Campbell echos
in scientific language something of the process which Blake
envisioned in spiritual language:
"The message of DNA is intrinsic. If we speak in metaphor of the
'ideas' contained in it, then those ideas are innate. They do not
come from outside, from the environment, even though external
chemical messages certainly play a role in the development of the
living system. The original script of the DNA message, the
organism's lifelong store of information, specifying its structure
and growth, is placed for safekeeping in the nucleus, at the quiet
center of the cell, and is housed in long, thin strands called
chromosomes. There is no direct traffic with the world outside. Its
symbol systems are communicated to the chemical factories in the
outer, working domain of the cell by another kind of nucleic acid
molecule called messenger RNA, which carries a copy of sections of
the DNA message to a place where proteins are assembled." (Page 93)
Blake saw that man's outer actions are determined by his inner
proclivities which are derived from the Poetic Genius buried deep
within his being. The Poetic Genius does not interact with the
external world but depends upon expressing itself through ideas
which arise in the minds of beings who act as vehicles for carrying
them. The Poetic Genius, like the individual amino acids of a strand
of DNA, is the shared heritage of all humanity. The individual
humans are bodies woven from particles of spirit separated from the
Poetic Genius. Separation without communication, or breakdowns of
linkages, lead to the finely woven web of life collapsing to a web
of death.
Awareness that there are hidden links which bind together
the images of truth which inhabit our brains, releases a new stage
of development which Blake calls the Babe. Whether we see our
oneness as a function of our DNA, or the Poetic Genius, or the
Holy Spirit, we can recognize that there is a transforming power
in being linked in unseen ways that are active below the surface
of ordinary consciousness.
Could we practice compassion, integrity and inclusiveness if love,
honesty and connectivity were not dwelling within our Souls?
Milton, Plate 26 [28], (E 123)
"And these the Labours of the Sons of Los in Allamanda:
And in the City of Golgonooza: & in Luban: & around
The Lake of Udan-Adan, in the Forests of Entuthon Benython
Where Souls incessant wail, being piteous Passions & Desires
With neither lineament nor form but like to watry clouds
The Passions & Desires descend upon the hungry winds
For such alone Sleepers remain meer passion & appetite;
The Sons of Los clothe them & feed & provide houses & fields
And every Generated Body in its inward form,
Is a garden of delight & a building of magnificence,
Built by the Sons of Los in Bowlahoola & Allamanda
And the herbs & flowers & furniture & beds & chambers
Continually woven in the Looms of Enitharmons Daughters
In bright Cathedrons golden Dome with care & love & tears
For the various Classes of Men are all markd out determinate
In Bowlahoola; & as the Spectres choose their affinities
So they are born on Earth, & every Class is determinate
But not by Natural but by Spiritual power alone, Because
The Natural power continually seeks & tends to Destruction
Ending in Death: which would of itself be Eternal Death
And all are Class'd by Spiritual, & not by Natural power.
And every Natural Effect has a Spiritual Cause, and Not
A Natural: for a Natural Cause only seems, it is a Delusion
Of Ulro: & a ratio of the perishing Vegetable Memory."
Jerusalem, Plate 20, (E 165)
"Jerusalem answer'd with soft tears over the valleys.
O Vala what is Sin? that thou shudderest and weepest
At sight of thy once lov'd Jerusalem! What is Sin but a little
Error & fault that is soon forgiven; but mercy is not a Sin
Nor pity nor love nor kind forgiveness! O! if I have Sinned
Forgive & pity me! O! unfold thy Veil in mercy & love!
Slay not my little ones, beloved Virgin daughter of Babylon
Slay not my infant loves & graces, beautiful daughter of Moab
I cannot put off the human form I strive but strive in vain
When Albion rent thy beautiful net of gold and silver twine;
Thou hadst woven it with art, thou hadst caught me in the bands
Of love; thou refusedst to let me go: Albion beheld thy beauty
Beautiful thro' our Love's comeliness, beautiful thro' pity.
The Veil shone with thy brightness in the eyes of Albion,
Because it inclosd pity & love; because we lov'd one-another!
Albion lov'd thee! he rent thy Veil! he embrac'd thee! he lov'd thee!
Astonish'd at his beauty & perfection, thou forgavest his furious love:
I redounded from Albions bosom in my virgin loveliness.
The Lamb of God reciev'd me in his arms he smil'd upon us:
He made me his Bride & Wife: he gave thee to Albion.
Then was a time of love: O why is it passed away!"
Jerusalem, Plate 34 [38], (E 180)
"for Cities
Are Men, fathers of multitudes, and Rivers & Mount[a]ins
Are also Men; every thing is Human, mighty! sublime!
In every bosom a Universe expands, as wings
Let down at will around, and call'd the Universal Tent.
York, crown'd with loving kindness. Edinburgh, cloth'd
With fortitude as with a garment of immortal texture
Woven in looms of Eden, in spiritual deaths of mighty men
Who give themselves, in Golgotha, Victims to Justice; where
There is in Albion a Gate of precious stones and gold
Seen only by Emanations, by vegetations viewless,
Bending across the road of Oxford Street; it from Hyde Park
To Tyburns deathful shades, admits the wandering souls
Of multitudes who die from Earth: this Gate cannot be found
PLATE 35 [39]
By Satans Watch-fiends tho' they search numbering every grain
Of sand on Earth every night, they never find this Gate.
It is the Gate of Los. Withoutside is the Mill, intricate, dreadful
And fill'd with cruel tortures; but no mortal man can find the Mill
Of Satan, in his mortal pilgrimage of seventy years
For Human beauty knows it not: nor can Mercy find it!"
Four Zoas, Night VIII, PAGE 100 (FIRST PORTION), (E 372)
"From out the War of Urizen & Tharmas recieving them
Into his hands. Then Enitharmon erected Looms in Lubans Gate
And calld the Looms Cathedron in these Looms She wove the Spectres
Bodies of Vegetation Singing lulling Cadences to drive away
Despair from the poor wandering spectres and Los loved them
With a parental love for the Divine hand was upon him
And upon Enitharmon & the Divine Countenance shone
In Golgonooza Looking down the Daughters of Beulah saw
With joy the bright Light & in it a Human form
And knew he was the Saviour Even Jesus & they worshipped
Astonishd Comforted Delighted in notes of Rapturous Extacy
All Beulah stood astonishd Looking down to Eternal Death
They saw the Saviour beyond the Pit of death & destruction
For whether they lookd upward they saw the Divine Vision
Or whether they lookd downward still they saw the Divine Vision
Surrounding them on all sides beyond sin & death & hell
Enitharmon wove in tears singing Songs of Lamentation
And pitying comfort as she sighd forth on the wind the Spectres
Also the Vegetated bodies which Enitharmon wove -
Opend within their hearts & in their loins & in their brain
To Beulah & the Dead in Ulro descended from the War
Of Urizen & Tharmas & from the Shadowy females clouds
And some were woven single & some two fold & some three fold
In Head or Heart or Reins according to the fittest order
Of most merciful pity & compassion to the Spectrous dead"
Auguries of Innocence, (E 491)
"It is right it should be so
Man was made for Joy & Woe
And when this we rightly know
Thro the World we safely go
Joy & Woe are woven fine
A Clothing for the soul divine
Under every grief & pine
Runs a joy with silken twine
The Babe is more than swadling Bands
Throughout all these Human Lands
Tools were made & Born were hands
Every Farmer Understands
Every Tear from Every Eye
Becomes a Babe in Eternity
This is caught by Females bright
And returnd to its own delight"
There is more to the image from Plate 57 of Jerusalem than three lovely
ladies extruding fibers that create links outside their bodies. Less noticeable than the figures is the globe of the earth which
is mostly covered by text. The upper section bears the image of St.
Paul's Cathedral (which Blake associated with the established church),
and the words York and London which Blake saw as attempts to build God's
kingdom in the natural world through material means. The lower section
of the globe shows the image of a Gothic cathedral and the word
Jerusalem, both symbols in Blake's lexicon for the unseen world of
spirit. Thus the image represents outer and inner activities attempting
to articulate and integrate the world of spirit and the world of matter,
and to bring them together in cooperation.
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