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Wikipedia Commons Book of Urizen Plate 4, Copy A |
Northrop Frye and Foster Damon each included in his definitive Blake book a helpful chart showing associations of symbols with the individual Zoas. Frye used The Four Zoas as his reference point whereas Damon used Jerusalem. Below are selected associations from their charts.
Fearful Symmetry, Frye, page 277:
In Four Zoas
1. Eternal Name Luvah Urizen Tharmas Urthona
2. Time Name Orc Satan C. Cherub Fancy
3. Sense Nose Eye Tongue Ear
4. Position Center Zenith Circumference Nadir
5. Nature Stars Sun Moon Mountains
6. Element Fire Air Water Earth
7. Place Soil City Garden Underground
8. Virtue Love
Faith Hope Vision
9. Vice Hatred Doubt Despair Dullness
A Blake Dictionary by Damon, page 212:
In Jerusalem - Fourfold Correspondence
1. Name Urthona
Luvah Urizen Tharmas
2. Meanings Imagination
Emotions Reason Senses
3. Places Nadir Center Zenith Circumference
4. Desires Friendship
Love Hunger Lust
5. Worlds Eternity Beulah Ulro Generation
6. Sense Ears
Nostrils Eyes Tongue
7. Elements Earth Fire Air Water
8. Symbols Sun
Moon Stars Earth
Jerusalem, Plate 97, (E 256)
"Then Albion stretchd his hand into Infinitude.
And took his Bow. Fourfold the Vision for bright beaming Urizen
Layd his hand on the South & took a breathing Bow of carved Gold
Luvah his hand stretch'd to the East & bore a Silver Bow bright shining
Tharmas Westward a Bow of Brass pure flaming richly wrought
Urthona Northward in thick storms a Bow of Iron terrible thundering.
And the Bow is a Male & Female & the Quiver of the Arrows of Love,
Are the Children of this Bow: a Bow of Mercy & Loving-kindness: laying
Open the hidden Heart in Wars of mutual Benevolence Wars of Love"
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