Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sources Boehme

Once again we should remember Blake's letter to Flaxman where he 
"Now my lot in the Heavens is this; Milton lovd me in 
childhood & shewd me his face Ezra came with Isaiah the 
Prophet, but Shakespeare in riper years gave me his 
hand Paracelsus & Behmen appeard to me. terrors appeard 
in the Heavens above."
(Behmen is the British name for Boehme.) 

On pp 19-20 Percival quoted Boehme's Threefold Life as follows:
"122. For the Principle of the outward world passes away again;
for it has a limit, so that it goes into its ether again, and the four
elements into one again, and then God is manifested, and the virtue
and power of God springs up, as a paradise again in the [one,
eternal] only element; and there the multiplicity or variety of things
come into one again; but the figure of everything remains standing
in the [one] only element."

This of course has close proximity to what Jesus said in the 17th
chapter of the Gospel of John.

Blake began the Four Zoas with this:
"Los was the fourth immortal starry one, & in the Earth
Of a bright Universe Empery attended day & night                 
Days & nights of revolving joy, Urthona was his name
, Daughter of Beulah Sing 
His fall into Division & his Resurrection to Unity
His fall into the Generation of Decay & Death & his 
Regeneration by the Resurrection from the dead"

In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell we learn that the Jews
identified the 'Poetic Genius' with the 'First Principle'.

Boehme had much also to say about the First Principle
(This from Percival 36)

Speaking of Light and Darkness:
"Now thus the eternal light, and the virtue of the light, or the heavenly paradise, moveth in the eternal darkness; and the darkness cannot comprehend the light; for they are two several Principles; and the darkness longeth after the light, because that the spirit beholdeth itself therein, and because the divine virtue is manifested in it. But though it hath not comprehended the divine virtue and light, yet it hath continually with great lust lifted up itself towards it, till it hath kindled the root of the fire in itself, from the beams of the light of God; and there arose the third Principle: And it hath its original out of the first Principle, out of the dark matrix, by the speculating of the virtue [or power] of God."

This is only on or two of a great many references to Boehme that we find in the Circle of Destiny.

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