Saturday, December 07, 2013

bible3 Great Eternity

The Four Zoas begins in Night 1 with an altercation  of Tharmas and his 'wife', Enion in Erdman 303:
"A Frowning Continent appeard Where Enion in the Desart
Terrified in her own Creation, viewing her woven shadow
Sat in a dread intoxication of Repentance & Contrition           

There is from Great Eternity a mild & pleasant rest
Namd Beulah a Soft Moony Universe feminine lovely 
Pure mild & Gentle given in Mercy to those who sleep
Eternally. Created by the Lamb of God around
On all sides within & without the Universal Man
The Daughters of Beulah follow sleepers in all their Dreams
Creating Spaces lest they fall into Eternal Death 
from The Independent
5 Dec 02013
The figure of Albion, a personification of humanity and of Britain, is freeing himself from the shackles of materialism.(From British Museum)

The Circle of Destiny complete they gave to it a Space
And namd the Space Ulro & brooded over it in care & love
They said The Spectre is in every man insane & most
Deformd     Thro the three heavens descending in fury & fire
We meet it with our Songs & loving blandishments & give          
To it a form of vegetation But this Spectre of Tharmas
Is Eternal Death What shall we do O God pity & help             
So spoke they & closd the Gate of the Tongue in trembling fear

What have I done! said Enion accursed wretch! What deed." 

Well this is a mouthful! 
Follow these links, and you will get a new understanding of William Blake.The second appearance of Eternal Death casts it in a newlight.

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